Topographic map elevations

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Select the Custom print tool from the menu.Zoom in to the area you would like mapped.How to download maps from QTopo Custom topographic map You can get online access to scans of historical topographic maps dating from 1862 to 2012 via the Open Data portal.

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You can purchase larger scale printed maps from private map retailers. The quality of the printed image will depend on the printer type, settings and paper. The maps you download from QTopo contain the same information as traditional printed maps, and you can print these on a local printer or at a print shop. The Queensland Government no longer sells printed copies of topographic maps. With QTopo, you can view Queensland's topography online, easily download pre-generated maps or create custom high-resolution topographic maps. This can be viewed online, downloaded, shared or printed at no cost to the public on an on-demand basis. QTopo is an online mapping solution that provides users with access to topographic information coverage across all of Queensland. Topographic maps are detailed representations of natural and man-made features that appear on the Earth's surface.

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